AlphaAir 450

The Best Cost-Performance UAV LiDAR+Imaging in Class

All-in-one, lightweight and rugged LiDAR+Imaging system with built-in 3D laser scanner, high-resolution camera, all-constellation GNSS, and high precision IMU

  • Lightest in class: only 0.95 kg total weight, including LiDAR, Camera, GNSS, and IMU all sensors
  • Long range scanning combined with high resolution imaging
  • Supports a variety of UAV platforms, including DJI M300 and M350 RTK
  • One-touch data acquisition or through drone controller
  • All-in-one processing software, including strip adjustment and orthomosaic, as standard features
  • automated point cloud processing, image georeferencing, point cloud colorization, and depth maps
  • Industrial reliability and extended operating temperature

Key Specifications

Laser Scanner (Livox AVIA)

range precision2 cm
range accuracy3 cm @ 100m AGL
field of view70.4° (Horizontal) × 4.5° (Vertical)
scan rate240 000 pts/sec (first or strongest return)
480 000 pts/sec (dual)
720 000 pts/sec (triple return)

Imaging System

camera typebuilt-in calibrated camera
resolution26 MP (6252 × 4168)
sensor/pixel size23.5 × 15.7 mm/ 3.75 μm
focal length16 mm
field of view (FOV)72.6° x 52.2°
min. trigger interval 0.6 sec

Positioning and Orientation

GNSS (built-in)multi-constellation, triple-frequency
IMU (built-in)high-precision with 600 Hz update rate
POS accuracy 
(no GNSS outage)
Horizontal: 1 cm (RMS)
Vertical: 2 cm (RMS)
Pitch/Roll 0.01 degrees (RMS)
Heading 0.04 degrees (RMS)

General System Performance

Absolute accuracy< 5 cm (Horizontal)
< 5 cm (Vertical)
(without control points, @50 m AGL)
Total system weight1.55 kg (including all sensors)
Operating temperature-20°C ~ +50°C

AlphaAir 450 in Action

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