CoPre Processing Software

Powerful, all-in-one, ultra-user-friendly processing software

Processes captured raw data, including raw GNSS and IMU data, LiDAR data, and RGB images. Supports all CHCNav’s UAV- and vehicle-mounted scanners! No need to invest in a third-party software or optional add-ons!

Key Features

Built around a simple and intuitive user interface, CoPre features accurate platform trajectory processing using a proprietary algorithm, point cloud and image georeferencing, accurate point cloud generation, filtering, and colorization. CoPre also supports simultaneous processing of multiple data sets, which enhances the efficiency of the workflow.

Advanced Optimization

CoPre features an advanced strip adjustment algorithm, which handles the layering problems of multiple point clouds and significantly improves the relative accuracy. Strip adjustment algorithm comes as a standard feature of CoPre.

Ortho Model Generation

CoPre software supports rapid generation of digital ortho models (DOM) through an innovative algorithm that takes advantage of images and point clouds, without the need for a three-dimensional triangulation process. Similar to strip adjustment, DOM algorithm comes as a standard feature of CoPre.

Visualization and Colourization

CoPre includes different powerful tools to check and analyze the obtained results. It supports visualization of massive datasets with multiple colorization options, including elevation, intensity, RGB, and others. Its automatic trajectory slicing and stratification checking allow for quick detection of misalignments across the entire project. Elevation accuracy can be automatically verified by importing elevation control points. Multiple accuracy reports are also available to address quality control requirements.